论文题目 作者 发表年度
有云Landsat TM/OLI影像结合DEM提取青藏高原湖泊边界的自动算法研究 王鑫蕊, 晋锐, 林剑, 曾祥飞, 赵泽斌 2020年
Big data assimilation to improve the predictability of COVID-19 李新,赵泽斌,刘丰 2020年
Prediction of the COVID-19 spread in African countries and implications for prevention and control: A case study in South Africa, Egypt, Algeria, Nigeria, Senegal and Kenya 赵泽斌,李新,刘丰,朱高峰,马春峰,王亮绪 2020年
Error Decomposition of Remote Sensing Soil Moisture Products Based on the Triple-Collocation Method Introducing an Unbiased Reference Dataset: A Case Study on the Tibetan Plateau 亢健,晋锐,李新,张阳 2020年
基于GF-1卫星遥感的冰川边界识别 彦立利,高健峰,王建,郝晓华 2020年
面向三极科学的三维可视化系统应用研究 吴阿丹、车涛 2020年
Research on Data Sharing Architecture for Ecological Monitoring Using Iot Streaming Data 吴阿丹、郭建文、杨鹏飞 2020年
黑河流域地表过程综合观测网的运行、维护与数据质量控制 徐自为, 刘绍民, 车涛, 张阳,任志国,吴阿丹,谭俊磊,朱忠礼,徐同仁,马焘 2020年
Reducing the Statistical Distribution Error in Gridded Precipitation Data for the Tibetan Plateau. 马佳培,李弘毅,王建,郝晓华,邵东航 2020年
The Spatial–Spectral–Environmental Extraction Endmember Algorithm and Application in the MODIS Fractional Snow Cover Retrieval 赵宏宇,郝晓华,王建,李弘毅,黄广辉,邵东航 2020年
Sentinel-3 OLCI observations of water clarity in large lakes in eastern China: Implications for SDG 6.3. 2 evaluation Shen M, Duan HT, Cao ZG, Xue K, Qi TC, Ma JG, Liu D, Song KS, Huang CL, Song XY 2020年
Enterprise Sustainability: Economic Policy Uncertainty, Enterprise Investment, and Profifitability Guo AJ, Wei HQ, Zhong FL, Liu SS, Huang CL 2020年
Future Climate Projection in Northwest China With RegCM4. 6. Pan XD, Zhang L, Huang CL 2020年
Assessing snow simulation performance of typical combination schemes within Noah-MP in northern Xinjiang, China You YH, Huang CL, Gu J, Li HY, Hao XH, Hou JL 2020年
Assessing Noah‐MP Parameterization Sensitivity and Uncertainty Interval Across Snow Climates You YH, Huang CL, Yang ZL, Zhang Y, Bai YL, Gu J 2020年